Behavioural Data Science and Decision Science
Pogrebna, G., Angelopoulos, S., Motsi-Omoijiade, I., Kharlamov, A., & Tkachenko, N. (2024). The impact of intersectional racial and gender biases on minority female leadership over two centuries. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 111.
Wulff, J. N., Sajons, G. B., Pogrebna, G., Lonati, S., Bastardoz, N., Banks, G. C., & Antonakis, J. (2023). Common methodological mistakes. Leadership Quarterly, in press.
Del Vecchio, M. & Pogrebna, G. (2021) “Natural Language Processing in Behavioural Data Science: Using Computational Linguistics to Understand and Model Behaviour”, Bloomsbury Handbook of Corpus Linguistics, Corpus and Discourse series, Gavin Brookes and Michaela Mahlberg, eds., forthcoming.
Del Vecchio, Kharlamov, A., Parry, G. & Pogrebna, G. (2020). Improving Productivity in Hollywood with Data Science, Journal of the Operational Research Society, pp. 1-28.
Kharlamov, A. & Pogrebna, G. (2019) Using Human Values-Based Approach to Understand Cross-Cultural Commitment towards Regulation and Governance of Cybersecurity, Regulation and Governance, pp. 1-16.
Chizema, A. & G. Pogrebna (2019) The Impact of Government Integrity and Culture on Corporate Leadership Practices: Evidence from the Field and the Laboratory, Leadership Quarterly, 30(5), pp. 1-19.
Perroni, C., Pogrebna, G., Sandford, S. and K. Scharf (2019) Are Donors Afraid of Core Costs? Economies of Scale and Contestability in Charity Markets, Economic Journal, 129 (622), pp. 2608–2636
Butler, D. & G. Pogrebna (2018) Predictably Intransitive Preferences, Judgement and Decision Making, 13(3), pp. 217–236.
Pogrebna, G., Oswald, A., and D. Haig (2018) Female Babies and Risk-aversion: Causal Evidence from Hospital Wards, Journal of Health Economics, 58, pp. 10-17.
Li, Zh., Loomes, G. and G. Pogrebna (2017) Attitudes to Uncertainty in a Strategic Setting, Economic Journal, 127(601), pp. 809-826.
Loomes, G. & Pogrebna, G. (2016). Do Preference Reversals Disappear When We Allow for Probabilistic Choice? Management Science, 63(1), pp. 166-184.
Goodall, A. & Pogrebna, G. (2015). Expert Leaders in a Fast-Moving Environment. Leadership Quarterly, 26 (2), pp. 123-142.
Ng, I., Scharf, K., Pogrebna, G. & Maull, R. (2015). Contextual Variety, Internet-of-Things and the choice of Tailoring over Platform: Mass Customisation Strategy in Supply Chain Management. International Journal of Production Economics, 159, pp. 76-87.
Loomes, G. & Pogrebna, G. (2014). Testing for Independence while Allowing for Probabilistic Choice. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 49(3), pp. 189-211.
Loomes, G. & Pogrebna, G. (2014). Measuring Individual Risk Attitudes when Preferences Are Imprecise. Economic Journal, 124(576), 569–593.
Kocher, M., Pogrebna, G. & Sutter, M. (2013). Other-regarding Preferences and Management Styles. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 88, 109-132.
Pogrebna, G., Krantz, D., Schade, C. & Keser, C. (2011). Words versus Actions as a Means to Influence Cooperation in Social Dilemma Situations. Theory and Decision, 71(4), 473-502.
Blavatskyy, P. & Pogrebna, G. (2010). Reevaluating Evidence on Myopic Loss Aversion: Aggregate Patterns versus Individual Choices. Theory and Decision, 68(1-2), 159-171.
Blavatskyy, P. & Pogrebna, G. (2010). Endowment Effects? “Even” with Half-a-Million on the Table! Theory and Decision, 68(1-2), 173-192.
Blavatskyy, P. & Pogrebna, G. (2010). Models of Stochastic Choice and Decision Theories: Why Both Are Important for Analyzing Decisions. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 25(6), 963-986.
Pogrebna, G. & Blavatskyy, P. (2009). Coordination, Focal Points and Voting in Strategic Situations: A Natural Experiment. Public Choice, 140(1-2), 125-143.
Blavatskyy, P. & Pogrebna, G. (2009). Myopic Loss Aversion Revisited. Economics Letters, 104(1), 43-45.
Blavatskyy, P. & Pogrebna, G. (2008). Risk Aversion When Gains Are Likely and Unlikely: Evidence from a Natural Experiment with Large Stakes. Theory and Decision, 64(2), 395-420.
Pogrebna, G. (2008). Naive Advice When Half a Million is at Stake. Economics Letters, 98(2), 148-154.
AI, Science and Engineering
Evans, K., Abuadbba, A., Wu, T., Moore, K., Ahmed, M., Pogrebna, G., ... & Johnstone, M. (2022, December). RAIDER: Reinforcement-aided spear phishing detector. In Network and System Security: 16th International Conference, NSS 2022, Denarau Island, Fiji, December 9–12, 2022, Proceedings (pp. 23-50). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Anderez, D., Kanjo, E., Pogrebna, G., Kaiwartya, O., Johnson, S.., Hunt, J. (2020) A Covid-19-based Modified Epidemiological Model and Technological Approaches to help Vulnerable Individuals Emerge from the Lockdown in the UK, Sensors, 20(17), 1-19.
Rahime Belen Saglam, Çagrı B. Aslan, Li, Sh., Dickson, L. and G. Pogrebna (2020) A Data-Driven Analysis of Blockchain Systems' Public Online Communications on GDPR, in Proceedings of 2020 IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (IEEE DAPPS 2020), pp.22-31.
Yeung, K., Howes, A., & Pogrebna, G. (2019) AI Governance by Human Rights-Centred Design, Deliberation and Oversight: An End to Ethics Washing, The Oxford Handbook of AI Ethics, Chapter 4. Free Pre-print Author Version Is Available from SSRN
Guo, W., Del Vecchio, M., and G. Pogrebna (2017) Global Network Centrality of University Rankings, Royal Society Open Science, published on October 4, 2017.
Guo, W., Gupta, N., Pogrebna, G., and Jarvis, S. A. (2016) Understanding Happiness in Cities using Twitter: Jobs, Children, and Transport, Proceedings of the IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, London, UK, 29-30 November, 2016.
Al Shami, A., Guo, W., & Pogrebna, G. (2016) Fuzzy Partition Technique for Clustering Big Urban Dataset, Proceedings of the IEEE Technically Sponsored SAI Computing Conference, London, UK, 13-15 July, 2016.
Al Shami, A., Guo, W., & Pogrebna, G. (2015) Clustering Big Urban Data Sets, Proceedings of the IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, Guadalajara, Mexico, Mexico, 25-28 Oct 2015.
Pogrebna, G. (2015) Servitization through Human-data Interaction: a Behavioural Approach, Proceedings of the Spring Servitization Conference, Birmingham, UK, 18-19 May 2015.
Pogrebna, G., Renaud, K., & Taratine, B. (2019). The many faces of active cyber. Network Security, 2, p. 20
Parry, G., Pogrebna, G.& F.Vendrell-Herrero, F. (2018) Windowing television content: Lessons for digital business models. Strategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance, 27(2), pp. 151-160.
Pogrebna, G. (2018) Introduction: The FUR 2016 Conference. Theory and Decision, 84(3), pp. 305-309.